Anesthesiology 1

A 20-yr-old male patient scheduled for hernia surgery was anesthetized with halothane and nitrous oxide; tubocurarine was provided for skeletal muscle relaxation. The patient rapidly developed tachycardia and became hypertensive. Generalized skeletal muscle rigidity was accompanied by marked hyperthermia. Laboratory values revealed hyperkalemia and acidosis


Questions and tasks:


1. Classify the general anesthetics and list some examples of drugs


2. What are the stages of anesthesia?


3. Which statement concerning anesthetic MAC (minimum anesthetic concentration) value is accurate?

a) anesthetics with low MAC value have low potency

b) MAC values decrease in elderly patients

c) MAC values give information about the slope of the dose-response curve

d) nitrous oxide has extremely low MAC value

e) simultaneous use of opioid analgesics increases the MAC for inhaled anesthetics


4. The inhalation anesthetic with the fastest onset of action is:

a) isoflurane

b) halothane

c) nitric oxide

d) nitrogen dioxid

e) nitrous oxide


5. The unusual complication of anesthesia mentioned above is most likely caused by:

a) activation of brain dopamine receptors by halothane

b) block of autonomic ganglia by tubocurarine

c) excessive release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

d) pheochormocytoma

e) release of acetylcholine from somatic nerve endings at skeletal muscle


6. The patient should be treated immediately with:

a) atropine

b) baclofen

c) dantrolene

d) edrophonium

e) succinylcholine

