Hormonal replacement therapy
60-years-old woman had problems with hot flushes, changes of mood, and by regular check was found an evidence of low bone mineral density. She and her physician are considering therapy with raloxifene or a combination of conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone actetate.
Questions and tasks:
1. Which of the following patient characteristics is most likely to lead them to select raloxifene?
a) previous hysterectomy
b) recurrent vaginitis
c) rheumatoid arthritis
d) strong family history of breast cancer
e) troublesome hot flushes
2. What are the indications for hormonal replacement therapy (HRT)?
3. Name 3 estrogens and 4 progestins – describe their pharmacological effects and adverse effects
4. What are the typical ways of administration of HRT?
5. What are the hazards of HRT with estrogens?